Starfish Weekly Update

8 March 2024

What a busy week we have had in Starfish!

Throughout the week we have been looking at toys that the children have now and which toys their parents or grandparents might have played with when they were little. Dawn was very kind and bought some toys into Starfish from back when she was a little girl. The children then compared them with  the toys we have now and talked about the differences they could see. 

At the end of the week, we invited the children to bring in one teddy or cuddly toy to join us for a special picnic snack. This way the children could see if they had any toys the same or different and talk about the toy they chose to bring in. 

The children have also been busy making Mother’s Day cards this week ready for Sunday. During snack time, the children talked about what made their mum special and, together, we talked about why it would be kind to make Mum a card. The children put a lot of thought and love into their cards, and tried hard to either make a mark in their card or write their whole name. 

Starfish have also been busy working on their counting and pattern skills this week. Whilst building towers, playing with animals or making shapes with the playdough, the children have been showing us their counting skills by telling us how many bricks they have, how many tigers are in the animal box or how many shapes they have made from their ball of playdough. We have also been looking at ‘careful counting’ this week, encouraging the children to line the toys or resources up so they can count them more accurately.  

Coastal Together

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